Sunday, February 7, 2021

Progress on the building that will be known as the Ezra 7:10 Building.

 A quick update:

You may think that "Ezra 7:10" is a strange name for a building, but maybe not after you read the verse.

   “For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord
and to do it
and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.
(Ezra 7:10, ESV)  

You can find out more of the "Why?" of this by reading the overview, or the booklet that explains the "Dr. Dave Owen Memorial Fund" (DDOMF) in greater detail. Briefly, Ezra 7:10 was Dave's life verse. It is also a pretty good descriptor of what PIU is about.

Toward the end of last year, the DDOMF grew to the point that the Board of Trustees of PIU authorized our spending the available funds to undertake the biggest project that is part of the reason for the fund--repairing and recoating the roof of the building that will be named in Dave's honor.

The contractor who has undertaken this project has completed the patching, replacing, and repairing part of the project. We are waiting for the coating material to arrive from the mainland. As is often the case, even more so in this COVID time, there was a shipping delay. Really the delay is a good thing. It is giving us the opportunity to inspect and watch for leaks, before the final part of the project begins. So far, it looks good.

In the meantime, further donations to the fund have come in. I am hopeful that we will be able to proceed, without delay, to other projects on this building. The goal is to give this entire building a face-lift--a fresh new look. It is long overdue.

There is a lull in the activity right now, while we wait for the material to arrive and do our inspections. What a great time to make a donation to this fund (See the links at the right.) That way when we get the go-ahead, we can actually go ahead.

Be watching. I'm excited about the possibility of further announcements, soon.

Howard, for the DDOMF Team,

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