Friday, October 4, 2019

Progress Report after One Week:

We launched the Dr. Dave Owen Memorial Fund a week ago.
In the first week we received $4,770.
That is more than the amount needed per week to reach the $200,000 goal.
Two of our Steering Committee members made challenge pledges. They have pledged a particular dollar amount/per each business transaction. These pledges will result in a combined total contribution of more than $16,000 over the fifty-two weeks of the DDOMF campaign.

It's a good start.

I offer this challenge to my fellow preachers.
For the next 52 weeks, any honoraria that I receive for pulpit supply or other speaking engagements will go to the DDOMF. If you are a preacher of the Word, that will double the blessing of your ministry.

It could be worth a happy dance.

Remember, if you go to the CrowdRise page, you can easily share the DDOMF opportunity with your online friends.

If you want to discuss other ways to promote the DDOMF, get in touch with us. Write our secretary at


Howard Merrell, for the DDOMF Team.

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